2. Reference

2.1. Configuration File

Example configuration:

hawkbit_server            =
ssl                       = false
ssl_verify                = false
tenant_id                 = DEFAULT
target_name               = test-target
auth_token                = bhVahL1Il1shie2aj2poojeChee6ahShu
bundle_download_location  = /tmp/bundle.raucb

key1                      = valueA
key2                      = valueB

[client] section

Configures how to connect to a hawkBit server, etc.

Mandatory options:


The IP or hostname of the hawkbit server to connect to (Punycode representation must be used for host names containing Unicode characters). The port can be provided optionally, separated by a colon.


Unique name string to identify controller.


Controller-specific authentication token. This is set for each device individually. For details, refer to https://eclipse.dev/hawkbit/concepts/authentication/.


Either auth_token or gateway_token must be provided


Gateway authentication token. This is a tenant-wide token and must explicitly be enabled in hakwBit first. It is actually meant to authenticate a gateway that itself manages/authenticates multiple targets, thus use with care. For details, refer to https://eclipse.dev/hawkbit/concepts/authentication/.


Either auth_token or gateway_token must be provided


Full path to where the bundle should be downloaded to. E.g. set to /tmp/_bundle.raucb to let rauc-hawkbit-updater use this location within /tmp.


Option can be ommited if stream_bundle is enabled.

Optional options:


ID of the tenant to connect to. Defaults to DEFAULT.


Whether to use SSL connections (https) or not (http). Defaults to true.


Whether to enforce SSL verification or not. Defaults to true.


HTTP connection setup timeout [seconds]. Defaults to 20 seconds. Has no effect on bundle downloading when used with stream_bundle=true.


HTTP request timeout [seconds]. Defaults to 60 seconds.


Time to wait before retrying in case an error occurred [seconds]. Defaults to 300 seconds.


Time to be below low_speed_rate to trigger the low speed abort. Defaults to 60. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME.html. Has no effect when used with stream_bundle=true.

low_speed_rate=<bytes per second>

Average transfer speed to be below during low_speed_time seconds to consider transfer as “too slow” and abort it. Defaults to 100. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT.html. Has no effect when used with stream_bundle=true.


Whether to resume aborted downloads or not. Defaults to false. Has no effect when used with stream_bundle=true.


Whether to install bundles via RAUC’s HTTP streaming installation support. Defaults to false. rauc-hawkbit-updater does not download the bundle in this case, but rather hands the hawkBit bundle URL and the authentication header to RAUC.


hawkBit’s default configuration limits the number of HTTP range requests to ~1000 per action and 200 per second. Depending on the bundle size and bandwidth available, streaming a bundle might exceed these limitations. Starting hawkBit with --hawkbit.server.security.dos.filter.enabled=false --hawkbit.server.security.dos.maxStatusEntriesPerAction=-1 disables these limitations.


hawkBit generates an “ActionStatus” for each range request, see this hawkBit issue.


Whether to reboot the system after a successful update. Defaults to false.


Note that this results in an immediate reboot without contacting the system manager and without terminating any processes or unmounting any file systems. This may result in data loss.


Log level to print, where level is a string of

  • debug

  • info

  • message

  • critical

  • error

  • fatal

Defaults to message.

[device] section

This section allows to set a custom list of key-value pairs that will be used as config data target attribute for device registration. They can be used for target filtering.


The [device] section is mandatory and at least one key-value pair must be configured.